Monday, February 07, 2005

Here are a few of the snakes we caught on our hunt yesterday. The pretty red one is the one that I crawled into a hole after. I think that is pretty high up on the list of crazy things I have done.


Katie said...

Yikes!!! I just made the mistake of looking that your blog just before going to bed. I'm afraid now that I might have snakey dreams.

SG said...

You have got to be kidding me! Off to have snake nightmares!

poetpete said...

Gday guys,

My wife said "Sicko"! (meaning what a wierd thing to be doing) but I reckon "Really cool". If only I had the chance! Trouble is, where we live they are all deadly -- especially the brown snakes -- you've only got an hour left on the planet if one bites you, unless you get to a hospital.

BTW, nice family pick, nice blog too. I hope you are keeping these stories tucked away somewhere for those weddings in a few years time.

Keep it up -- it is well worth the effort.