Addie and her little friend Ben from next door decided it would be cool to sit in one of the drawers of her large dresser. It was NOT a good idea (the entire dresser fell on top of them!). This is her shiner yesterday. Today her eye is much darker and swollen shut- or as she likes to say, she has a swallowed eye.
I am the one who bears the guilt on this one. After that little boy was killed in the same way at the local Sam's I should have tied everything down but just didn't think that would happen at our house. I was wrong and, yes, I will take care of it.
If it makes you feel any better, Rhett (2 at the time) was the only one in the house who could easily open the childproof latch on the pantry! Some kids seem to have a talent for finding danger even when they are not looking for it! Somehow I think this hurts the two of you almost more than it hurt her...and from the looks of it, that is saying a lot! Parenting is not for cowards or the weak stomached! :) Hope you all feel better soon!
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